GIS Maps | Mohave County (2025)

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KNOWN ISSUES: 1/6/17: 1/5/17:

Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

Public Map Viewer

Gallery of Mapping Applications and Open Data Resources


TheMohave County Public Map Vieweris a web-based mapping application that serves as Mohave County's resourcefor serving mapping information such asparcels, streets,aerial imagery, generalizedtopography, etc. It is a cross-platform web site (no need to install a web browser plug-in) compatible with many modern mobile devices and other desktop/laptop web browsers (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Internet Explorer 11.0+, Opera, Safari 10.13.4+, Vivaldi, etc.).

Current Version Information

Thank you for your interest in viewing the Mohave CountyHTML5Interactive Map Viewer. This is a cross-platform web application that can be viewed by desktop/laptop personal computers (PC's) as well as by smartphone and tablet devices. Linuxand macOS(updated to the latest version available)desktop/laptop users are also able to utilize this version of the Interactive Map Viewer. Best viewed in the following internet browsers: Chrome, Edge, andFirefox. Please note that we have received reports of data visibility issues usingthe Safari internet browser.

NOTICE:This web application is still under continuous development and maynot have the samefunctionality (feature parity) as the retiredSilverlight Desktop Map Viewerat this time.Please consider this when using theHTML5 Interactive Map Vieweron desktop PC's, laptops, smartphones, and tablets.



Version: GeocortexEssentials;GVH Version


Version: GeocortexEssentials;GeocortexViewer for HTML52.12.1.2020

  • Added Right Of Way feature class layer from Public Works.
  • The ability to select a search resultby its 'Star' is back!


Added Operational Layer(s): LAND USE GENERAL PLAN. Manually click its layer visibility box to make data visible or under 'Layers' > Click the drop down menu for layer themes ('All Available Layers...') > Choose the 'Planning & Zoning' theme to automatically turn off other extraneous map layers instantly.


Version: GeocortexEssentials 4.10.0; GeocortexViewer for HTML52.11.0

  • Improved startup performance, with an average reduction inloading time of 50% across browsers.


Version: GeocortexEssentials 4.9.2; GeocortexViewer for HTML52.10.1


Version: GeocortexEssentials 4.9.1; GeocortexViewer for HTML52.10.1


Version: GeocortexEssentials 4.9; GeocortexViewer for HTML52.10

  • Tool Labels for tool bar icons turned off by default.


QUICKSTARThyperlink for help getting started with the online map viewer added to lower right-hand corner of internet browser window.


Assessor's Office web pages with clickable links to a GIS based map now has the option of either opening to the Silverlight Map Viewer or the HTML5 Map Viewer.


Public map viewer users are nowavailable to 'Sign in' using their Facebook/Google+ social media credentials, county employee credentials, or can choose to create anArcGISOnline Public Account.


County employee and public map viewer users are now able to create/save project files by signing in with the appropriate credential choices at the 'Sign in' landing page (access via 'I want to...' menu or upper right-hand corner of map viewer page).



When creating apdfmap with the 'EsriImagery (30 cm resolution)' base map layer selected as visible, PDF file does not show imagery, just a white background with other select operational layers visible. GeocortexSupport is aware of this issue.With either the Internet Explorer internet browser, please use theSilverlight Desktop Map Viewerfor creating maps with this base map selection.Please substitute this layer with the 'Bing Aerials w/ Labels' base map layer for creating PDFprintable maps.


Assessor's Office web pages with clickable links to a GIS based map will ONLY open in theSilverlight Desktop Map Viewerat this time


Manual input of a preferred map scale of map views is currently not available. This feature, however, is available when creating a printable map PDF file.

Creating and saving project files functionality is only available on theSilverlight Desktop Map Viewerat this time.

Terms of Use


Limitation of Use

The Mohave County GIS Interactive Map Viewer (hereafter“Viewer”) and all data presented therein is provided by Mohave County (hereafter“County”)to give access to data for the Mohave County area developed by County departments, incorporated cities within Mohave County, and other local, state and federal entities, public and commercial. The Viewer uses Geographic Information Systems (hereafter“GIS”) technology to provide a visual display of data for the convenience of the end user (hereafter“User”).

It is to be used for reference purposes only as a guide to finding assessment, planning, and other information and is not suitable for site-specific or business decision making and should not be used for making financial or any other commitments. Such decisions should only be made after validating information based on additional information available from the appropriate County office or other entities. NO PORTION OF THE INFORMATION PRESENTED SHOULD BE CONSIDERED OR USED AS A LEGAL DOCUMENT.

The data presented is for informational purposes only and should not be used for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. THE VIEWER IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION, PROPERTY DESCRIPTIONS, OR DETERMINATION OF LEGAL TITLE. Property descriptions must be obtained from surveys or deeds. The compilation of countywide tax parcel and related data, street centerline, and other data results in a seamless dataset derived from many sources, particularly surveys, deeds, County and city resolutions, and orthophotography. It should be interpreted as the best available compilation, but SHOULD NEVER BE SUBSTITUTED FOR SURVEY OR DEED INFORMATION.

While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy, correctness and timeliness of data presented in the Viewer, the County assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, even if the County is advised of the possibility of such damage. The County does not warrant that the operation of the Viewer will be uninterrupted or that defects in data will be corrected.

The Viewer provides GIS functionality available to the User to alter the display of data, such as toggle the visibility of feature layers, load data into the Viewer, and perform queries and other GIS functions. It is incumbent on the User to understand the effects of such functions on display and presentation of data.

The User understands and acknowledges that the data presented herein are subject to constant change and is not guaranteed to be accurate, correct or complete, nor that it will meet the requirements of the User. The entire risk as to quality, performance and usefulness of the Viewer and associated data, and conclusions drawn from its use, rest with the User. The County does not warrant that the operation of the Viewer will be uninterrupted or that defects in data will be corrected.

Products may have a number of errors which may include but are not limited to the following types of errors:

  1. Spatial errors - The areas depicted in the data are approximate, and are not necessarily accurate to surveying or engineering standards. X/Y coordinates may be in error by several hundred feet or more.
  2. Registration errors - GIS data layers may not overlay each other correctly. For example, parcel boundaries may not align properly with underlying orthophotography.
  3. Attribute errors - Database information may be incorrect.
  4. Currency errors - GIS data layers, databases and documents may not be the most current available or may not depict the specified time. All data is subject to constant change. Data input lags real-world changes by varying periods of time.
  5. Completeness errors - Data may be missing or data may be included that does not belong.
  6. Projection distortion - All map projections introduce distortion by representing the irregular shape of the earth's surface on flat maps. This affects feature shapes, angles, map distances and areas.
  7. Calculation errors - Results of calculations may not be exact due to rounding, precision of stored values or algorithm differences.
  8. Representation errors - Maps or other displays may not properly represent the data. For instance, a white line on a white background would appear as if it wasn't there. Data may be displayed at an inappropriate scale.
  9. External source errors - Base Map data hosted by external sources, for instance, the "National Geographic World Map" layer, may show references to historic street names or landmarks, abandoned roads, etc. These references may or may not be applicable for E-9-1-1 purposes.

The information is provided subject to the express condition that the user knowingly waives any and all claims for damages against Mohave County and its officers, agents, consultants, contractors and employees that may arise from the use of this data.


Availability of the Viewer is not guaranteed. Applications, servers, and network connections may be unavailable at any time for maintenance or unscheduled outages. Outages may be of long duration.Do not create dependencies on these services for critical needs.

Maintenance of Data

To assist the County in the maintenance of GIS Data, Users should provide the County information concerning errors or discrepancies found in using the Products. Users are invited to e-mail their comments and report errors

Data Request

Self-Service Data Requests (extract data from specificareas of interest directly from thePublic Map Viewer;FREE)

  • (Document Tutorial) How to Export Parcel Selections to a CSV file, Shapefile, or XLSX file on the Map Viewer
  • ArcGIS REST Services Directory(Map Service REST Endpoints for GIS Mapping Applications)
  • County GIS Open Data Hub(Elections Data;PDF Maps;etc.)
  • Assessor's Office: Other Maps(Parcel Plat,Railroad;Record of Survey;Right of Way;Subdivision;andSurvey Maps)

Data Request Forms (countywide datasets; a nominal feewill be charged,where applicable, to be paid by check or money order)

  • Online Public Non-commercial Data Request Form(Data in a GIS file format such as .shp or .gdbto be used for research purposes; for a company's internal use;by utility companies;government agencies;etc.)
  • Online Public Commercial Data Request Form(Data in a GIS file format such as .shp or .gdbto be used by location technology companies; resoldas part of a licensee-provided value-added service or software application;etc.)
  • Development Services > Public Information Record Request, etc.(Permitting: Reports;Building;Septic; and Well)
  • Flood Control District GIS and Digital Data(Copies of public records located at the Mohave County Flood Control District may be obtained by completing theRequest For Information Form. The form must be filled out, signed, and returned to Flood Control for consideration. Forms can be emailed to
  • Treasurer's Office Online InformationRequest Form(Delinquent TaxParcel Listing;etc.Data in a tabular file format such as .xlsx or .csv. Once the request is received, the requester will be notified of the cost and estimated delivery time via email.)

Self Service Tutorials (How to select records for data retrieval)


While our initial effort to develop a countywide parcel layer is complete, the parcel layer continues to be a major undertaking for the Cartography Division of the Assessor's Office. We aretypically one month behind in working parcel splits, parcel plats and parcels to be created in recorded subdivisions. This is a perpetual process. This does not take into consideration the new parcel splits, parcel plats, and recorded subdivisions that will require our attention on a daily basis. The Assessor's Office asks for patience from the public we serve.


The Mohave County Assessors Office has contracted withVertiGISto implement theirGeocortex Essentials productas our application for the online interactive map viewer. Theenhanced capabilityof thisinternet browser application provides an improveduser experience.


We continue to work on the development of a countywide street centerline layer with address ranges along withother feature class map layers in cooperation with the Arizona State 9-1-1 office forNENANext Generation9-1-1 compliance.


We have beenincorporating zoning data into the GIS. Zoning information is data entered byDevelopment Services Zoningstaff and is updated to the GIS on a weekly basis.


We are making an effort to build a variety of point layers including schools, government buildings, fire stations, hospitals, etc. These will gradually become available as part of our Interactive Map Viewer application once we have made them as accurate as possible. Below is a list of PDF and Excel (XLS) documents provided for review of our current data. Please send corrections to this data

  • GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS(Government Buildings - XLS)(Mohave County Buildings - PDF)
  • MOHAVE COUNTY SCHOOLS(All Mohave County Schools-XLS)(Kingman USD - PDF)(Lake Havasu USD - PDF)(Bullhead City ESD - PDF)(Mohave Valley ESD - PDF)(Colorado River UHSD - PDF)(Other School Districts - PDF)(Charter Schools - PDF)(Christian Schools - PDF)(Mohave Community College - PDF)


AGIS, or Geographic Information System, is a collection of computer hardware, software, and geographic data for capturing, managing, analyzing, and displaying all forms of geographically referenced data.

Mohave County Multi-platform Interactive Map Viewer users agree to comply with the Limitation of Use and the Assumption of Risk terms
as stated in thefull terms of use disclaimer.

GIS Maps | Mohave County (2025)
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Author: Jamar Nader

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Author information

Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.